

Direct Marketing
The BannerSpace.com creative team understands the needs of today's direct marketers. Campaigns
are designed with one goal in mind... an immediate sale, conversion, or registration, as a
direct result of the advertising piece.
Unlike brand-centric marketing models, creative copy is designed, from the ground up, to grab
reader attention, elicit interation with the ad content, and ultimately drive as much traffic as
possible through the advertiser's landing page.
BannerSpace.com has acheived unprecidented success in direct marketing creative development.
Through extensive experience, exhaustive testing, and working closely with our clients, we know
what works, and our material is often copied, mimicked, and reproduced by other who realize it's
From very simple animated GIFs, to highly complex rich media... through new ideas, and
variations of tried and tested methods, BannerSpace will develop creative that maximizes
attention and response to your offer.
Example 1
Add user interactivity to a 468x60 banner to phenominal click-through rates.
Example 2
Sometimes, less is more. Many direct marketers have found that the most simple concepts,
surprisingly, achieve the best front-end response rates.
Example 3
Rich media enables advertisers to place much larger ad units within a 468x60 slot, and direct
conversions from the ad.