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Rich Media Creative

Rich Media - Example 2

Although the creative in this example was designed with direct response in mind, the same approach could effectively be applied to a branding campaign by applying a constant logo to a creative that elicits interaction with the reader. The more time the reader spends interacting with an ad, the better the chances the ad will be remembered. Based on survey results, users spent an average of 30 seconds of focused attention on this ad, as compared to 0 to 2 seconds on average with a standard banner for the same campaign.

The above ad ran for six months, generating an average 9% click-through rate, in a time when Internet wide click-throughs were averaging 0.25%. In addition to the attention to the ad itself, marketers benefit from driving massive volumes of traffic to their web site, further increasing the ROI of the campaign.

Below is another example of an interactive game in a 468x60 space. Although alternate sizes have clear advantages over 468x60, this standard size is still very popular with advertisers, simply because the volume of impressions available is far higher than all other creative sizes combined. The enormous availability keeps media and development costs down and ensures compatibility. Rich media and interactivity are one way to make the 468x60 work. The creative below generated 4-5% click-through rates in targeted placements.

Rich Media Example 3 >>

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