Rate Tables

  Standard CPM
CPM is the price per 1,000 ad impressions. To view the rate card for standard CPM, click here

  CPM with Click-Through guarantee
Select this option if you want a guaranteed minimum CTR (Click-Through-Ratio). The CTR represents the percentage of viewers of our ad that click through to your site. Average, net wide CTRs currently range from 0.20% - 0.50% for non-targeted ads and 0.40 - 1.50% for well targeted campaigns. However, there are always exceptions, and there are several other variables invloved with CTR, such as the creative being used.

<-- Choose CTR
* If a guaranteed CTR is not met when the purchased number of ad impressions has been served, an unlimited number of free ad impressions will be served until the guaranteed number of click-throughs is reached.

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