

Remnant Ad Sales
BannerSpace offers a solution for premium sites, search engines, and sites within certain desired demographic categories. With this turn-key, non-exclusive, no-commitment option, several general advertisers are rotated at varying CPM rates, depending on volume and target segment. For more information on the campaigns currently available for your site, us your estimated traffic available for the program and your URL.
Specifically designed for flexibilty and to supplement in-house sales on varying levels each month, the BannerSpace multi-campaign "remnant" option will help you immediately fill your remnant ad inventory that would have otherwise gone unsold.
More and more publishers are turning to outside firms to handle their site's advertising. Instead of spending great deals of time and expense, entire web sites are sponsored with one transaction, and the publisher is then free to develop and maintain content. Imagine not having to pay for, or devote time toward the:
- selling of ad space
- targeting, insertion and rotation of ads on numerous pages
- tracking and maintaining ads
- invoicing and collecting multiple accounts
- continually prospecting for new advertisers
It is important to note that when calculating your actual net CPM for direct ad sales, you must deduct these expenses, all of which are included in the BannerSpace program.
At BannerSpace, our business is selling ad space. By pooling the unsold inventory of a broad base of web publishers, categorizing by content, and selling at a discount, we always maintain a 100% sold status with all inventory booked well in advance.
Once established with BannerSpace, publishers need only insert the ad code as required and our staff and software handle the rest.
To set up your BannerSpace account, apply here. If you have further questions, email .